

97 Things Every UX Practitioner Should Know

I am a contributing author of the O'Reilly Media publication, 97 Things Every UX Practitioner Should Know, published June 2021.

I authored a chapter about the art of storytelling.


IBM Problem Solvers (2020)

Featured in a global marketing campaign. Watch the video here.

SXSW (2020)

Invited to speak at the event.

Think Conference, San Francisco (2019)

Keynote talk in front of 3000 attendees, as well as thousands more streaming the event live.

Data & AI Forum, Seoul (2019)

Showcasing AI demos for South Korea's tech community.

Winning With AI, New York (2018)

Highlighting AI technology and opportunities with business leaders on the main stage at this special event in New York City.

Innovation Panel, San Jose (2019)

Sharing tips for innovation at the Emerging Tech Showcase.

Data & AI Forum, Miami (2019)

A keynote demo of my team's work building a virtual reality solution for interpreting machine learning models.

AR Panel, San Francisco (2019)

Discussing the challenges of designing for augmented reality at UC Berkley.

XRDC, San Francisco (2018)

Speaking about the challenges of designing augmented reality data visualizations.

Journey to AI, Online (2019)

Teaching IBM employees about AI in this internal learning module.


Lab Spotlight

A profile of me by IBM's Chief Product Officer. Read it here.

Making Data Simple

I discuss AI, AR, and data visualization in this podcast episode. Listen here.

XRDC Profile

I discuss the ways augmented reality could enhance our lives. Read it here.

Com! Professional Magazine

A print magazine feature that includes my team's AR work. (Available in German only).


I discuss my team's work designing a virtual reality solution to better understand AI. Read it here.

About me

As a former TV news reporter and online journalist, I’ve made a career out of answering the question, “why?” I’m driven to dig beyond the facts and figures and decipher the underlying reasons why things are the way they are. What really matters here? It’s this same innate curiosity that drives my passion for good user experience. I notice things. I’m bothered by things. I’m compelled to make them better.

In my 15 year career, I’ve embraced the human-centered approach in everything I do. Good journalism requires remaining objective while empathizing with users. I’ve conducted thousands of interviews. That means I know how to conduct domain research to quickly become an expert on the topic, build rapport with interviewees, and read between the lines to find the real story. My “nose for news” means I’m good at spotting patterns to figure out what something means. I don’t fixate on individual data points, but rather look at the broader story to figure out what’s actually going on.

Communication skills are at the core of my experience. Having worked in live television, I am a seasoned presenter who knows how to sell a concept to stakeholders. I'm also adept at copywriting while being mindful of matching the voice, tone, and content to the user.

I'm an Australian who has lived, worked, and traveled abroad. I understand cultural nuances and design for a global user base. My diverse prior experiences help me ideate novel approaches to design problems. I hope to put that to good use working with artificial intelligence and solving the design problems of tomorrow.

Graduate of The University of Chicago, and The University of Technology, Sydney.

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